Crypto CEO Mocked Job Seeker for Not Being a Billionaire

Recently, job-seeker Peiyuan Jin went viral on LinkedIn, sharing a call-out against Yao Meng, the CEO of Trade Terminal, who reportedly ridiculed him for not being a billionaire during the course of his interview, which lasted for a humiliating seven minutes.

Jin, who’d applied for a job of Quant Developer in some California-based firm conducting crypto business, informed CoinDesk that he’d just been in his fourth interview, and was doing great.

Meng, he continued, scoffed as he cut Jin off in midsentence during his self-introduction to challenge his experience as a software engineer at John Deere.

‘He acted like it was the most foolish thing in the world that a tractor company would require software services,'” Jin wrote in his LinkedIn post.

And the CEO didn’t leave it at that. Jin reported that Meng said that he thought very little of him for not “thinking big” and would often brag about his success; once, Meng twice mentioned that he had even talked his boss to resign and work with him in his crypto business.

Jin’s interview was wrapped up by Meng with the zinger: “I’m a billionaire because I think big, but look at you — you’ve accomplished nothing.”

Jin called the experience the “worst interview experience” and said, “No candidate should have to be put through that kind of treatment, irrespective of where they come from or companies they’ve worked for.”

His exaggerated claims are also being examined very closely. Critics on Reddit and X (formerly Twitter), however, have been wary of Meng’s claims. One X critic, user MostlyMonkey, pushed back on Meng’s claims, saying that he company doesn’t have more than 50 employees and that he doesn’t have more than 500 followers on LinkedIn. “I’ve never met a billionaire who would refer to themselves as such,” they added.

On Reddit, the reaction was even more vicious.

Users, in their critiques, labeled Meng as “delusional” and “a control freak,” and, one plain speaker noted, “Crypto bro doesn’t know shit about f***.”

One other user analyzed through Meng’s past claims on the company holding and managing 10,000 bitcoins, suggesting actually he might exaggerate the company’s assets in stating those are his personal wealth.

A more fanciful conclusion suggested that Meng might hold “one billion SHIB” tokens instead.

Rahul Bodana is a News Writer delivering timely, accurate, and compelling stories that keep readers informed and engaged.