How to Fix please wait while we load jio tv for you Issue

Please wait while we load Jio tv for you is one of the Biggest error/Issue for the Jio Tv users. Sometime it will be Resolved Automatically within few Seconds or Few minutes only. But Sometime This Jio Tv not Working issue remains until few days. In this Scenario its very Frustrating because you can’t watch the Show that you wants to watch.

Fix please wait while we load jio tv for you Issue

So here we are In this yet another blog post we are Going to Provide you the Step by step procedure to Fix please wait while we load Jio tv for you Problem in few seconds only.

Remember after Following this Step by step Troubleshooting Guide you will fix this problem or At least you will Know What the heck reason behind this Problem.

Please wait while we load Jio tv for you Error Troubleshooting

Jio Tv not Working Error

So Here is the 2 minutes Troubleshooting Guide. Follow the step by step Instruction that i mention below.

  1. First you have to make sure that you are Getting the Normal/Higher Downloading or Uploading speed on your Phone from Jio Network. To do so you can Download the ”Net Velocity” App from Google play store.
  2. If you are Getting more then 5MBPS Downloading Speed & 2MBPS Uploading speed then its Cool otherwise this is the Speed issue. In that Scenario you have to Change the location or call the customer care. If there any Temporary Outage in network then they will inform you.
  3. If in Net velocity app you getting Better speed then Sure that you are using the Latest version of Jio Tv app on Your phone. If not not then Download/Update latest version from play store or App store.
  4. In case you are using the Latest Jio Tv app but still Getting the Jio Tv not working issue then you have to Head over the Setting Option of your phone and Scroll Down to app setting then Select Jio Tv. Here you have to Clean Cache and data and Launch the app again and Login using your Jio id or Skip the Login (Depend on Your choice).
  5. If none of this Work then there is the Chances that it Server side issue. Which will be fixed Automatically By the Jio’s end.

So that’s how you can Fix please wait while we load jio tv for you Issue. Hope it helps, If you have any Question in your mind then you can ask it in Comment section and we will answer all of your Queries.

Rahul Prahlad Bodana is Author at CNBdaily. His area of expertise includes Technical know-how of Computers, Mobile phones, and Various electronic devices.

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