How to Find , Change & Set custom URL of your YouTube channel

Getting custom username/ Url on Facebook & twitter is much easy as compare to YouTube URL . A user change to a custom url on YouTube when their Channel is eligible, once you Fulfill the Eligibility criteria then Set any easy-to-remember web address on .

YouTube Custom URL

It maybe based on your Display name, User name or any other thing if its not already taken. If the YouTube channel url is already taken then you can apply for same address.But getting a custom YouTube URL without 100 subscribers is not possible according to their privacy policy & Terms and conditions.

How to Change Custom YouTube URl

Once the users gets More then 100 subscribers on YouTube then he or She can apply for any custom URL that they want. If the address is not already taken then it will not takes too much time for setting YouTube channel URL .

What is my YouTube channel URL, How to find it ?

If you are wondering about how to find YouTube URL and thinking what is my YouTube channel URL then lets me tell you you Checking this information is pretty simple then changing it.

Suggested | How to use Gen YouTube Video Download tool to Download YouTube videos.

Just Go to and tap on My channel option. Copy the whole web address which will be appear in browsers address bar on the top, that’s your YouTube URL for channel.

How to change YouTube URL in year 2017

Make sure that You already Reach the 100 Subscribers. If no then you have to wait if yes then just follow the steps below.

  1. By using Computer/ laptop sign in to your YouTube account.
  2. Click on My Channel option which always appear on left sidebar.
  3. Once you on Your YouTube channel then click on Setting on top right corner.
  4. Navigate to YouTube advanced account settings.
  5. Under the YouTube advanced account settings find channel setting option.
  6. You will see a other option which is labeled as “Get a custom URL” , This option will only appear when your YouTube channel is eligible.
  7. Here i suggest you to choose it wisely once it set you Can’t change custom url YouTube in any manner.


Rahul Bodana passionately shares knowledge through tutorials on programming, investment, trading, gaming, and writing, aiming to empower others with valuable insights and how-to guides.

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