How to share a Google calendar — a step by step guide

Google Calendar is one of the most Convenient thing organize yourself. In this calender’s can easily mark any date for any specific task, You can organize the day, Week, Month even you can Organize the whole year by using this. Sometimes you need to share your calender’s with others Specially in case you are working with the team. So here in this we are going to show you the Step by step procedures to share your Google calendar.

So here in this post i am going to show you How to share a Google calendar with someone.

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How to share a Google calendar

How to share a Google calendar

Currently there is Two different method by using that you are able to Share Google calendar the first one is just by using the link and the second one is make you calendar public so anyone in can see that.

It depend on you which method you want to prefer, However in both ways you have to follow the exact same steps which i am going to explain in the steps below.

  1. First of all you have to go in your browser of Computer.
  2. Now you have to locate the “My calendars” section on the left side of the interface. You have to hover over the calendar that you actually wants to share.
  3. On the top side you will a Gear icon tap o that and click on the setting.
  4. In the setting in “Settings for my calender’s options you will be able to see Your calendar. Just tap on that.
  5. Now on that page you can can customize your calendar. You will also see options to share like “Access permissions” , “Share with specific people” and link to share.
  6. It depend on you which way you want to share your Calendar. If you make it public then it will be available for everyone who visit that link, If you share with specific people it will be specific to those where just share it.

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Rahul Bodana passionately shares knowledge through tutorials on programming, investment, trading, gaming, and writing, aiming to empower others with valuable insights and how-to guides.

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