HBO New Max app not working? Here is how to troubleshoot!

HBO recently completely revamped their older “HBO Max service” to the New Max app but for some users The HBO new max not working properly.

Hope you already read my previous article “HBO Max app not working” where we have talked about various diffrent issues and how to troubleshoot them. This article is about the rebranded version of the same app. If you recently updated this app, you might have noticed that they have changed its name and added a few additional things.

Key Takeaways

  • HBO recently rebranded their “HBO Max app” to the “New Max” app offering more content and rebranding their streaming service.
  • While developers tried to ensure there are no major issues with this app there are some minor glitches faced by customers.
  • If you are having any New Max app not working issue you can easily report it to the customer support team.

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Is HBO’s new Max not working for you?

Fix HBO new Max app not working

HBO launched its new mobile streaming service called new max which is just a new and combined version of HBO Max and Discovery+ app. 

With the recent release, They did replace your old HBO Max app with this app, however as users they have to do nothing other than just update their existing mobile app.

Once you update your existing “HBO Max” mobile app from either the app store or Google Play store you will be able to see not only rebranded app but also new content offered for you.

But just as you know that any major app update at least contains some minor issues or bugs which is hard to ignore and these issues are apparent in HBO’s new max app.

Users who have tested this app, have reported the following issues – 

  • For some users, this app is crashing whenever they try to load a video.
  • Similar to the “HBO Max App” this app also has a buffering issue, albeit for some it could be also due to their network connection.
  • One of the Twitter users “Andrew Dusting Vargas” has reported that for him New Max is not working on his Roku.
  • Another person on Twitter posted that “Crazy how they pushed Max on us but it’s not working at all”.

How to Fix ‘HBO new max App’ not working issues

Whenever there is a big update or initial release of any mobile app there are some technical glitches are bound to happen.

But unlike most of the other mobile app developers of HBO new max are working round the clock to fix any bugs, glitches, or issues reported by their customers.

They are also actively monitoring any of the issues reported by the customer in multiple locations like New York, London, Washington, and Bellvue.

So no matter what issue you are having with this app, you can report these issues to HBO’s new Max support team and they will help you out.

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So in short, HBO new Max is relatively new, and just like with any other latest mobile app, this application also has minor glitches.

Some of these can be easily fixed by simply closing and opening the app again. 

But if that doesn’t fix HBO new max app not working error you can report this issue to their customer support team.

Rahul Bodana passionately shares knowledge through tutorials on programming, investment, trading, gaming, and writing, aiming to empower others with valuable insights and how-to guides.