Fix: ESPN Fantasy “You are not eligible to sign in or register here”

Rahul Bodana

Are you getting ESPN Fantasy You are not eligible to sign in or register here error code when you are trying to log in to your account or trying to create a new account.

ESPN Fantasy is a platform for Fantasy league players that allows you to play all of their available games on your chosen platform i.e. on your Smartphone.

Interested people can easily Sign up, register, and able to login into their accounts.

However, recently there have been a few instances where some of those users are getting the error “You are not eligible to sign in or register here. Your information has not been collected”.

In this guide, I will shed light on why you are getting this error and what troubleshooting steps you can follow to fix ESPN’s not eligible to register or login issue.

So without any further delay, let’s get started.

Fix ESPN Fantasy “You are not eligible to sign in or register here” error

The most probable reason why you are getting You are not eligible to log in or register issues is because your age is less than the minimum age requirement set by ESPN.

According to their Legal restriction guidelines, users who sign up for the platform must be above 16 years on the date of entry.

Suggested: ESPN Fantasy App not working

It is possible that you might have had an older account when these guidelines weren’t there but due to recent guidelines, they have changed it.

Even tho you are older right now they do still count your age on the first entry.

You can only fix this by creating another account when you are above the minimum age criteria.

When there is any new restriction or limitations placed on your account they usually send you an email beforehand.

Check any recent email from them and you might be able to get the reason why you are not able to log in to your own account.

But if you are sure that this is not the case with your account, you can drop a mail to their support team.

Just drop mail to ESPN support and they will help you further to regain access to your account.

Further FAQs

Why did my ESPN account get Deactivated?

ESPN just like any other product has its own set of guidelines and rules. Violating any of them might get you suspended from their platform.

Why i am getting ESPN Are you not eligible to log in or sign up error?

Users who are below the minimum age criteria will get this message when they try to sign up for a new account..

What does it mean when it says “Your information has not been collected”?

It is due to strict guidelines from the EU. They are not allowed to collect and store any personal information from kids without the consent of parents.


So in this article, we have learned Why some of the ESPN Fantasy users are getting ESPN Fantasy “You are not eligible to sign in or register here” Error.

This does occur during the login or sign-up process.

We have discussed that the most probable reason behind this is not meeting the minimum age criteria.

Those who are above the age can get access to their account by dropping an email to the ESPN support team.

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Rahul Bodana passionately shares knowledge through tutorials on programming, investment, trading, gaming, and writing, aiming to empower others with valuable insights and how-to guides.